"Of ships and shoes of ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings..."
Saturday - and the dust is settling at last! Thursday and Friday have both happened since my last blog on Wednesday - as they tend to most weeks.
Went to the Union on Wednesday night - good to see people having an excellent time as before and I liked the slideshow :) Getting the message across that the Union is much more than just the bars and cheesy-chips is really important, and I'm amazed at how much importance people are willing to put on small day to day things compared to the (on-going) fight for a free education or the need for secure student housing. I helped out behind Mojos and at the cloakroom - was tiring stuff and whilst I've always appreciated the student staff I think I do even more so now.
I was publishing the paper on Thursday which was fun whilst juggling my time on the Executive and MASIV stalls - I want to say a big cheers to all the Exec who covered for me and telling me to take a break when I was frazzled and extra special thanks to Bill Smith, Michelle Hewings, Gemma Yusuf, Emily Beardsmore (Vice-chair of Council) and Dave Ball (a student trainer) who were all there as volunteers and made the life of the Sabbs much easier.
I had a few drinks after work with some of the Freshers fayre helpers which ended up being the pub quiz, but I left and went home to sleep before the Karaoke being a very worn out Nickers by that stage.
Friday was quieter than the other two days, but it was really nice to have Gemma Tumelty,

I'm in the office even though it's saturday so I can do some paperwork and also so I could help out (vaguelly) with the Junction11 meeting - really I just tried to look pretty and didn't :) Next week I've got Spark training, my first trip to Bulmershe and a whole lot more - love it!
1 comment:
sounds exhausting young nick, as usual youre doing a fantastic job with more enthusiasm than the rest of us put together! cool that you did a bit behind mojos bar - petrifying isnt it? just wanted to send you a nice encouraging post as an ex memeber of reading university who remembers your election to your position and was wondering how youre geting along...
(jude xx)
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