In which a satisfied Nickers reports
This week’s been Sparkling. Spark training, Spark publishing and meetings about the newspaper – so I’ll be working extra hard on the other volunteer groups next week so they all feel loved :) If you’re from Junction11, Nightline or RAGs and feel neglected just come and ask me for a hug.
The “RU Ready… for Spark in a day?”

I’m also doing lots of work on the By-election which is coming very soon. Week 3 will see Hustings, talks for and against NUS affiliation and the publicity for candidates kicking off. For Freshers especially this will be an exciting time – a chance to elect Officers and see the democratic foundations of the Union in affect.
I’ve been out and about a fair bit this week – Monday with the LGBT, Wednesday and Thursday at the Union and so I think sitting in with a cocoa this weekend sounds really rather nice! I must be getting old (23 next week…)