Aaagh! It’s started – International students are back and the reality of Freshers week has struck home. The handbook’s done, the Ents are booked, the training sessions are being written and each time I move a piece of paper onto the ‘done’ pile it reveals another 6 things to be worked on. It’s been really nice actually meeting students in the flesh though – I’ve had loads of contact with various people over e-mail, texts and so on, but it’s nice to be able to smile at and see the person you’re helping.
Yesterday saw me publish Spark for the first time – and it was scary! Having to deal with File Transfer Programmes (FTPs) that didn’t work on the Spark computers, learning how Mac programmes worked and of course trying to make sensible judgments about our Equal Opportunities Policy. I did really enjoy it in the end and had my best mate to help read it through (cheers Edward!) and I know it will get easier.
My parents have now moved up to the Midlands – which hasn’t really sunk in yet and I spent a weekend there helping them settle a little bit as well as seeing my Uncle’s inauguration ceremony for his new Parish and visiting my Granny. I’m trying to keep an eye on all my family stuff whilst delivering for the Union – its not always easy but I think I’m getting there!
More training planning and so on – I’m looking forward to saying “I did this session” rather than just “I will do it…” before too long. I want to see some of my work in action!

I went to a day on Careers Management with lots of University people in suits and also Andrew Lewis who did a great talk on making sure Careers Management is more personal to students. I thought this very helpful and hope that the University do follow up on their *revolutionary* plans to make the scheme about students as individuals. The photo is of our group in an exercise - I'm looking perplexed but my hair's cool in it!
This week RUSU has been stopping me... sleeping
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