Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Stalls, Spark and The US Constitution

Hey RUSU-land. Since last Thursday I've been catching up with a lot of the Student Groups - trying to do some fun stuff with RAGs (more details to follow if I can pull it all off - but it'll be groovy :D), I've also been working more on governance issues with Nightline. After a very pleasant meeting with Francesca Bingley (Spark editor) yesterday we have some clear ideas and goals for training in particular and the development of Spark in general.

I'm co-ordinating the Executive stall at Freshers Fayre and chatting to Part Time Officers and others to see if they are happy to volunteer. It will be nice to have a clear focus for Freshers about what the Union is and who the Executive are. This also isn't easy to pull off - so I'm working hard on it!

I've also got the task of giving RUSU's constitution and Regulations a bit of an overhaul - which is slow work but will make it more accessible. On average I'm halving the word count for each section and will add 'quick reference guides' at the back as well. The reason for the Blog title is that the original (before amendments) US Constitution was 4,500 words long. The current RUSU constitution is over 6,000. A little perspective might be needed...

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